It’s always a challenge to find buyers for your spec-built bass that agree with every choice you made in the specifications. If you are starting a bass building business and are wondering what pickups and pre-wired harnesses to be using look no further. You will notice a night and day difference in the tone of your instrument.
They are very satisfying to install for first timers. We recommend them equally to any bass modders and experienced luthiers alike. We are proud to be full-line stocking dealers for Bartolini. Tobias, Pedulla, Ibanez, Spector, Zon, Roscoe, Elrick, Warrior have all used Bartolini’s, and a few use them almost exclusively. A list of luthiers that have used Bartolini reads like a who’s who of modern bass building. To this day Bartolini offers more shapes of pickups and pre-wired on-board electronic harness configurations than any other company. The sounds and shapes of these Bartolini pickups is now the standard that we compare all other pickups to. He also defined the many different shapes and sizes of pickups that we see today.
Bill worked closely with these builders creating many unique pickup designs to bring out the full range and accuracy of their instruments response- “you can hear the wood” was a common response. Some of these new luthiers had the desire for a more modern pickup design and sound.

The 70’s and 80’s was to be the era of guitar modification At the same time many young, soon to be famous, luthiers were learning their trade and they needed to figure out were the pickups where to come from. Bartolini and others experimented with new concepts in tonal quality, which led to an offering of replacements that quite effectively re-voiced these instruments and allowed their customers get the sound they wanted out of the instruments they already had it was a perfect solution. And the revolution in musical styles of the late 60’s and early 70’s created the demand for new instruments and tone qualities that went beyond those of the previous years. Fender and Gibson had been bought out by CBS and Norlin. Although he may not have known it at the time Bill and his pickup contemporaries like Larry Dimarzio and Overland (EMG) were in the right place at the right time. Started by Bill Bartolini in 1973, Bartolini Pickups and Electronics was one of the very first companies to offer a pickup that was not from one of the big 5 guitar companies Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Guild or Rickenbacker. Bartolini Pickups/Electronics Bartolini first appeared at the dawn of replacement pickups for electric instruments in the Early 1970’s.